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What price would a man pay to satisfy his every desire? That is the question that this gripping story asks as it follows Keawe, a Hawaiian man who has just bought a fantastic bottle. In the bottle lives an imp that will grant the owner s every wish, but there s a catch: the bottle may only be sold for a loss, and may not be thrown or given away. Moreover, to die while in possession of the bottle is to condemn oneself to an eternity in hell. Keawe uses the bottle to gain a mansion and amass a fortune and quickly sells it. The bottle, however, may yet have an important role to play in his ultimate fate. " Que precio estaria dispuesto a pagar un hombre para satisfacer todos sus deseos? Esa pregunta la plantea este cuento apasionante mientras sigue a Keawe, un hombre hawaiano que acaba de comprar una fantastica botella. Dentro de la botella vive un diablillo que le concedera al poseedor todos sus deseos, pero hay una pega: la botella solo se puede vender a perdida, y no se puede regalar o botar. Por otra parte, morir en posesion de la botella es condenarse a una eternidad en el infierno. Keawe usa la botella para ganarse una mansion y riquezas, y enseguida la vende. La botella, sin embargo, podria aun desempenar un papel importante en el destino de Keawe. ""


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